Highland Christian Mission

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    Highland Christian Mission, approved and registered by the government was founded early in the year 1964 by Dr. Stuart Hamilton Merriam after he had completed an extensive missionary tour throughout the Middle East and Southeast Asia. Recognizing how great shortage of Christian teachers for thousands on this island. Dr Merriam accepted the call of the villagers of Yagusa to come and dwell among them and open a school and teach them the truths of the Gospel.
    Yagusa is located in the mountainous Easter Highlands of Papua New Guinea. 190 milesfrom the coastal city of Lae and 110 miles from the town of Goroka governmental seat of the Eastern highlands. Lying in a verdant vally flanked by wooded mountains six to seven thousand feet high the Mission enjoys magnificent scenery and a springtime climate all year round.
    The Highland Christian Mission is international and interdominational and is incorporated in the State of Delaware in the United States of America. It is governed by an American Board of Directors, which is in charge of the general management and control of all business property and affairs of the corporation. The Board is responsible for the commissioning of candidates for service with the Mission and appoints the General Director, Field Director and Candidate Secretary. The General Director is responsible for the oversight of the work of the Mission at home and abroad while the Field Director is responsible for all activities on the field under the final authority of the General Director. The Candidate Secretary chairs a committee of the Board's choosing for the purpose of interviewing and screening prospective missionairies.

Advisory Council

    The General Director invites subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, men of outstanding Christian character and leadership to serve as members of the Advisory Council. These postions are honorary and are held until voluntary withdrawal or death. The council acts in a counseling capacity at the invitation of the Board of Directors or the General Director.
    The Highland Christian Mission operating on 105 acres maintains the government registered Yagusa Primary School through the 8th grade with a trained National teaching staff in addition, the Mission educates boys and girls too old to be enrolled in the government school using the same cirriculum as used in the registered school.
    The student body of over 230 students and the teaching staff represent twelve different language groups and many of the boys and girls come from remote areas over mountainous terrain seldom visited by the white man. Each day the Bible is taught and on the weekends Gospel teams are sent to the surrounding villages to bring the message of Christ.
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